International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Entrepreneurship Spirit of the Child Raised by the Single Parent

Open access
The objectives of this research is to know the entrepreneurship spirit of a child raised by the single parent and to know the factors that influence the source which creates the spirit of entrepreneurship. This research employs the qualitative method and the approach used is the case study. The technique in collecting the data is semi structural interview in which the main informant of this research is a child raised by a single parent. Meanwhile, the supporting informant of the current research is the parent. The result shows that the spirit of entrepreneurship owned by a child raised by a single parent is very high. This is proved by the existence of several characteristics of an entrepreneur in this child. Those characteristics are responsibility, independence, discipline, orientation to the business opportunities, good risk-taking, communication ability, future orientation, and leadership skill. This internal factor is the profit orientation that reflects an independence from relying onto the parent and orientation also challenges the business capability of the child. On the other hand, it is found there is an external factor which has influence to create the spirit of entrepreneurship too. That is the education given by the parents and the school.