Various programs have been executed by the government to enhance the educational achievement of Orang Asli. As the result, 693 Orang Asli students successful graduated in IPTA from 2001 until 2010. However, there are Orang Asli students still shackled dropout problem and the absence of students in their schools. Before this, people often pay attention to the infrastructure aspects to address problem arising in improving their achievement in education. Another aspect that needs attention is through their behavior based on the value orientation and mindset. This study aims to identify the values orientation and mindset of Orang Kanaq and Orang Kuala parents regarding to education. The underlying value orientation of Orang Kanaq and Kuala parents based on ten theory of value by Schwartz (2012) self-direction, stimulation, hedonisms, power, security, conformity, tradition, benevolence, achievement and universalism. While mindset is based on two types of mindset by (2010), fixed and growth mindset. Further, the result indicates that every community are different in their value orientation and mindset. Research on the diversity that exist in the value systems and mindset able to help us explain why there are different in achievement and progress among members in social group. In a short, although many programs and training have been done by various government for Orang Asli, but this kind of activity need to be undertaken and strengthened to ensure their sustainability. Therefore, in order to devise education programs for Orang Asli, mindset and orientation value in education not negligible.
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