International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Fatwa as a Medium Da wah: Studies on the Role of Mufti as a Preacher

Open access
Mufti is one of the influential people in the Muslim world. Mufti is a person who is qualified, knowledgeable and able to solve legal problems pursuant to source that coincides in Islam. However, nowadays, the advantages and privileges of a mufti is not being disclosed especially in the context as a preacher. This situation also affects the authority and its role as a mufti. Thus, this study aims to identify the fatwa as a medium of da’wah approach. The objective of this study focuses on two main topics. Firstly, to identify the relationship between the mufti and preacher. Secondly, analyses the role of mufti as a preacher. This article answers these questions through the content analysis on some of the classic and contemporary work. The findings shows that one of the roles of mufti as the preacher can be seen from the aspect of da’wah approach. The method of da’wah approach that are al-hikmah, al-mau'izah al-hasanah and al-mujadalah methods. The findings found out that the mufti and preacher are two areas of different tasks yet it shares a common goal which is to preserve the religion of Islam as a whole.