International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Sampling Design, Validity and Reliability in General Social Survey

Open access
Following the proliferation of the research in the study of social network, the debate on the design and use of General Social Survey has dominated research articles addressing social network question. For example the three prominent authors have propelled a discussion on various anomalies of the findings from different articles on social change which as result raise a question on reliability and validity. Although in all the articles the design on sampling and measurement instrument are featured, the authors deviate from the corollary of sampling. Consequently, the findings have been unfolded and subjected to critical review and comments by others. In order to best understand the basis of this claim, these coalitions and competing argument of the authors have been brought to order. Using the lens of the findings presented by the authors, the review discloses the dangers of ineffective sampling and measurement instrument which consequently bear on lack of reliability and validity of study findings.