International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Banking Services and Moderating Role of Customers Characteristics (Length, Depth & Breadth)

Open access
In order to extend the literature on customer switching behavior the main objective of researches is to analyze the differences among customers in their propensity to switch service providers. For this purpose, different researchers study the impact of the differences in customer relationship characteristics (length, depth and breadth) on the probability to switch suppliers. Based on evidence from marketing and social literature, the length, depth and breadth of customer-firm relationships are expected to strongly influence customers’ switching decisions, helping us to explain the differences between switchers and stayers. . Respondents would be the users of a bank. Sample size of this research study is 500. The positivist research philosophy approached is used as the structured questioner was developed and distributed for the data collection. Personal administrated questionnaire was distributed and collect the questionnaire from them. There is a moderating effect on the relationship of overall service quality and customer retention by the relationship characteristics length, depth and breadth are accepted. This result is in line with the previous researches which indicate that as the customer starts to deepen in the relationship with company it tends to keep on using the services for the longer period of time. Pakistani Banks users which are using the service of any specific service provider, as reflected by these results, confirm that when a user is spending a large sum of money on the services of the company is expected to linger on with that company for a period of time unless there are some serious service issues from the company.