International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Measuring the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality as a Pedagogical Strategy in Enhancing Student Learning and Motivation

Open access
The aim of this study was to explore the use of augmented reality as a teaching and learning tool in primary schools. This study examines the differences in students’ performance and motivation to learn between two groups of students, which were taught the same topic, but different styles of teaching were used. A quasi-experimental research design was used for this study. A free Google Apps known as ‘Aurasma’ were used to create the AR ‘aura’ of the lesson, which was used in the experiment class. A pre and post-test for both performance test and motivation to learn questionnaire were administered to both classes. The study found that there were significant differences in performance and motivation to learn between the experiment class and control class. This study would benefit many parties as it proves that there is a need for changes in our current way of teaching in schools.