International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Rawls and MacIntyre Theory of Justice on National Cohesion in Multicultural Societies

Open access
Today, many countries have differences ethnic, subcultures, communities and religions. Managing and making policy in this society is more difficult than en bloc societies. Therefore one of more important of their problems is making just policies, which create and preserve national cohesion. To achieving this purpose, their governments try to use a justice theory, which can apply justice among people and preserve national cohesion.
There is several justice theories that may help to these kinds of societies, and each society based on its own positions select and perform one of them. Among different theory of justice, this essay studies Rawls and Macintyre theory of justice, because They play a huge role in shaping political philosophy, and also they represent two major contemporary political streams like liberalism and communitarians.
The main question that this essay tries to follow is which theories of justice could be useful in multicultural society and cause to create national cohesion.
This essay use descriptive and analysis method.