It is fact that education enables people to work in more efficient way. It increases knowledge skills and abilities of individual and qualifies them to reach desired destination. Among many disciplines of education, business education is more important for developing countries. It inculcates competencies and skills to individuals and make them able to run and setup new business venture. It is an important factor for increasing employment opportunities and hastening the pace of economic growth of the country. Educational institutions play important role in building capacity of young entrepreneur by providing quality entrepreneur education to them. Study reveals educated people are more interested in running their own business. It also finds only 9.3% young people are running their own business about 46.5% young people received entrepreneurship education from business schools are running their business in contrast to 30.9% young people who did not attend business education. Study examines the role of educational institutions in development of young entrepreneurs. This Study is based on data collected during megacity project survey 2015-16, conducted in Karachi. During survey 2,689 young people of ages between 15-29 were interviewed.
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