International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Royal Buddhist Monasteries in Rattanakosin Period: Potential Development Guidelines for Promoting Cultural Tourism

Open access
Royal Buddhist Monasteries or Temples are among the world’s most famous cultural attractions, full of magnificent arts such as Murals, stained glass and richly decorated gables, doors and windows panels in which some temples have been included as a world heritage. Apart from the precious architecture and beautiful courtyards, Thai Monasteries have long been the center pillar of social and spiritual guidance to Thai society. The Monastery plays an important role in various areas ranging from being the center for learning the Buddhist way of life, an education center for the young, center for sacred ceremonies for auspicious occasions and the host to various Buddhist ceremonies and local Thai festivals. Throughout its history, The Thai Buddhist monasteries, especially the royal monasteries have become a symbol of the Thai way of life and have attracted visitors from all over the world. Due to its high potential in monetary returns from cultural tourism, The Thai government have implemented various strategies in the past but had never really studied the various issues, status, role and potential of the monasteries in detail. Suggestions for the development of Royal Monasteries into a cultural tourist attraction include improvement in landscaping, security, public conveniences and facilities, attraction sites, potentials in providing services, advertising, public relations, activities and temple’s management.