International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Affecting the increasing Income and Development in the Branches of Melat Insurance Company in Isfahan City (IRAN)

Open access
The modern world is one that depends on organizations as entities which satisfy the needs of humans in different areas. This is to an extent that societies with organization which perform their duties better enjoy higher social welfare. Economy is one of the most vital areas of modern societies. Economy, like all other aspects of modern life, depends on organizations to function. Financial markets are important sectors of economy in the modern world. The insurance industry is a leading and important financial market. This industry also depends on organizations to function in the society, in this case insurance companies. Nowadays, insurance can be considered as one of the most important pillars of socio-economical life in societies which guarantees economic cycle. In modern societies, all people, regardless of their social and financial status, are involved with insurance and insurance coverage. The role of insurance is to mitigate the incurred loss in dangerous situations. In this manner, actual losses are not incurred by one individual or a group. One of the main goals of insurance is to keep the economic cycle alive through preserving national wealth.
Three factors were considered in determining the factors that increase profitability in branches of Melat Insurance Company: effective representatives, sufficient level of liberty in each branch, and high motivation among employees. The hypotheses were tested using collected data and the correlation between the mentioned factors i.e. effective representatives, sufficient level of liberty in each branch, and high motivation among employees and branch income was analyzed. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software package along with Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients to prove all three hypotheses.