International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Corporate Disclosure Guide on Information Disclosure among Malaysian Public Listed Companies

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This study examines information disclosure practices among public listed companies. Specifically, this study examines the effect of Corporate Disclosure Guide 2012 (CD Guide) on information disclosure among the public listed companies in Malaysia.This study used 318 annual reports over a three year period of 106 listed companies in Bursa Malaysia as the sample study. Using content analysis as the research instrument, this study foundthat majority of the public listed companies in Malaysia provides a high level of information disclosure score, an indication that they are providing continuous efforts to disclose more information following the introduction of the CD Guide 2012 by Bursa Malaysia. The findings in this study provide feedbacks to Bursa Malaysia on the effectiveness of the introduction of the CD Guide. In addition, the findings in this study also create awareness among companies towards the need for greater information disclosure, thus enhancing accountability.