International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Affecting Performance of Inventory Tracking and Tracing System at Mechanical Stations in North Rift, Kenya

Open access
This research aims to evaluate the factors affecting effectiveness of a modern inventory tracking system in improving the logistics performance in public sector.A survey in the ministry of transport and infrastructure stations in the northern rift valley formed area for this study. In today’s competitive marketplace which is characterized by rapidly changing business requirements, leveraging leading edge technologies and adopting best practices are essential in order to ensure sound logistical support that guarantees both effectiveness and efficiency in the transportation processes.
The main purpose of this research project is therefore to establish that the use of information technology is feasible in transport industries, explain possible obstacles and also any major advantages of its implementation. Secondly, as regards the theoretical aspect, a broadened view on the use of various positioning, and factors affecting effective inventory management systems. Within north Rift region, the division has no visibility progress on inventory while on transit, ware houses (stores) and relay heavily on manual information processing. Likewise, monitoring of whereabouts of its road working equipment to ensure they are not being misused. The region under the study has poor road network and inadequately cellular base station coverage. Quantitative statistical methods of analyzing limits will also be employed on the data collected from the field. Quantitative research, known as ’number-crunching’, uses techniques that apply more to numerical data, where researchers develop variables or concepts which can be measured, and transform them into specific data-collection techniques. Questionnaires that were collected from the field were assigned unique identity number (coded) to represent various respondents. They were tabulated and subjected to a statistical analysis. Charts and graphs were generated to enable the researcher to make sufficient conclusions.
The study shows that an information Technology, Infrastructure and supply chain activity on the performance of inventory tracking systems has an effect on performance of inventory tracking system. This implies that information Technology, Infrastructure and supply chain activities influence the activities on inventory tracking systems.The study also should that majority of personnel involved in mechanical division lack basic necessary skill s, and essential facilities to handle supply chain related activities.