International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Repositioning Business Education Programme for Peaceful Co-Existence and National Development of Nigeria

Open access
Nigeria since independence has been facing a lot of problems. These problems cut across economic, social, political, cultural and moral spheres. Thus, political instability, religious and community conflicts, crisis, economic underdevelopment, cultural misdirection, poverty, moral decadence and many other vices become the order of the day. It was for these reasons that the Federal Government of Nigeria through the National Policy on Education (2004) institutionalized the teaching of Business Education subjects at the lower, middle and upper Basic Education levels, with the hope that if properly taught at these levels, Business Education subjects will help to develop in the youth, the desired knowledge, attitudes, values, skills and competences that will make them to be useful and effective members of their society. It is believed that Business Education will help the youths to acquire social and civic literacy that will promote and bring about peaceful co-existence and national development in Nigeria. This paper therefore seeks to address how Business Education programme can be repositioned to be highly effective in providing quality skilled-type education that will bring about peaceful co-existence and national development in Nigeria.