International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Affecting Non-Teaching Staff Development in Kenyan Universities

Open access
The study was carried out to investigate the factors that affect non-teaching staff development in campuses of Kenyan universities. In light of theoretical literature reviewed and empirical studies related to employee development, the research focused on the five sub-variables considered in this study, namely work environment facilities available, technology development, staff training and development, policies and work systems (infrastructure) and number of non-teaching staff working in campuses. Literature review was conducted to identify what other researchers have done in the areas of staff development and open to further understanding of their precious contribution to this area of study. The research study was carried out in Mt. Kenya region. Out of sixteen campuses in Mt. Kenya region four were randomly selected. A cross-section survey random sampling was used to select the population through of different cadre of middle level non-academic staff in various sections in the four campuses. A sample of 30 participants were used which is 20% of population study. Data was collected through questionnaires administered through drop and pick by the researcher and personal interview were conducted where possible. The Questionnaires were screened for completeness. Inferential statistics method was used to analyze the data collected. Data analysis, interpretation and presentation by use of tables, pie-charts and bar-graphs was done. Correlation analysis and hypothesis testing was done to test the strength of association of variables.