International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effects of Television Agricultural Shows on Small-Scale Farmers’ Information Need in Kenya: A Case Study of Kikuyu Sub-County

Open access
Television agricultural shows are important tool in dissemination of information to small-scale farmers. The study investigated the effect of TV agricultural shows on small-scale farmers in Kenya. Television shows have proved to have effect on small scale farmers in the dissemination and transfer of farming information and knowledge in Kenya. From the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the TV agricultural shows were among the major sources of agricultural information among small-scale farmers in the Kikuyu area. The target population for the study was the farmers in Kikuyu Sub-county The study population comprised the small-scale farmers in the area who owned a Television set. Questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions was used for collecting data in order to elicit perceptions of the respondents on the subject under study. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze data by way of percentages, weighted mean and standard deviation. A statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) was also used to analyse data both the data after which the data was presented in descriptive form using frequency tables, percentages, graphs and pie charts among others.