International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Entrepreneurship’s Intention of Secondary School Student in Kuala Terengganu District, Malaysia

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This study purpose is to determine intention to entrepreneurship of adolescent’s student at secondary school in Kuala Terengganu who follow Tunas Niaga Program. This study was executed by quantitative approach which survey method was used. Sample of this study randomly selected and involved 96 students which are also members of Tunas Niaga Program from 10 secondary schools to answer a questionnaire. The result from this study acquired majority of Tunas Niaga Program’s members has a high intention to entrepreneurship. Finance and role model are a predictor factors influencing entrepreneurship intention in Tunas Niaga Program’s members. By the results of this study, government should provide a finance entrepreneurship scheme and encourage already entrepreneur to share their experience in develop their business to increase Tunas Niaga Program’s members involve in entrepreneurship. Tunas Niaga Program is a platform to students in secondary school to begin any kind of business match to their interest. They also get advice and consultancy from a qualify teacher. Youth talents should to enhances and develop if government wants to have a prominent entrepreneur at the futureThis study purpose is to determine intention to entrepreneurship of adolescent’s student at secondary school in Kuala Terengganu who follow Tunas Niaga Program. This study was executed by quantitative approach which survey method was used. Sample of this study randomly selected and involved 96 students which are also members of Tunas Niaga Program from 10 secondary schools to answer a questionnaire. The result from this study acquired majority of Tunas Niaga Program’s members has a high intention to entrepreneurship. Finance and role model are a predictor factors influencing entrepreneurship intention in Tunas Niaga Program’s members. By the results of this study, government should provide a finance entrepreneurship scheme and encourage already entrepreneur to share their experience in develop their business to increase Tunas Niaga Program’s members involve in entrepreneurship. Tunas Niaga Program is a platform to students in secondary school to begin any kind of business match to their interest. They also get advice and consultancy from a qualify teacher. Youth talents should to enhances and develop if government wants to have a prominent entrepreneur at the future
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