International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Role of Online Information Journalism in Democratization of countries: A Case Study of Nigeria

Open access
The role of online journalism in the democratization of Nigeria was the main trust of this paper. The paper was able to expose the concept of online journalism and the democratization. Survey method was adopted for the study, hence; four (4) media houses and 60 respondents were sample used for the study respectively. The response rate was high as the percentage of return was 99.8%. The study showed that online journalism plays important role in the democratization of every nation; hence it showed that online journalism affects democratization in Nigeria as it enables early report of election result, reporting or events as it happens, hence does not give room to manipulation of results etc, journalism in Nigeria are effective, the pace of accessing and using online journalism is slow. Sacrosanct to this study is that recommendations were revealed to cushion the mitigating online journalism in Nigeria.