International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Influencing Poor Performance of Learners in the Grade Seven Examinations: A Case of Umguza District

Open access
This study sought to investigate the factors influencing the poor performance of grade seven learners in public examinations in uMguza District. A descriptive research design was used for this study. The findings on the study were that majority of respondents in the student category indicated that their parents do not help them with their school homework. Most of the students indicated that they would work in the fields in the morning before going to school. The recommendations were that parent education should be encouraged. That would educate parents the importance of helping their children with school homework as to motivate their children to do well at school. The Ministry of Education in conjunction with the schools should implement programmes to facilitate teacher skills development programmes and make them mandatory so as to improve on teaching skills that the teachers have. It is recommended that the government in collaboration with parastatals and NGOs, be involved in the funding and sponsoring the schools. It is also recommended that Information Communication Technology gadgets like computers should be adequately budgeted for as these will aid students in their education.