International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Employee Training and Innovation on Turnover Intention: An Empirical Research

Open access
Companies pay special attention to employee turnover rates because losing qualified employees causes many financial and nonfinancial problems. Thus managers should find permanent solutions for disruptive turnovers. Literature gives strong cues for preventing high turnover rates. This study makes significant contributions to turnover literature by using empirical research results. The research has been carried out with 239 employees working in 36 different service firms operating in Turkey and it focuses on whether employee training and innovation can be used as instruments to decrease turnovers. While innovation and turnover scales were measured in one dimension, employee training scale was measured in two dimensions as extensive training and training in multiple functions. Results indicate that all variables are significantly correlated with each other. It is observed that innovation and training in multiple functions variables are having a significant power for decreasing turnover. Besides it is seen that the variable of innovation does not mediate the relationship between employee training and turnover.