International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Raising Halal Cosmetic Awareness among the respective Consumers

Open access
At the present time Muslims comprise one of the biggest world markets with a value of billions of dollars on Halal products in the Islamic markets and same value for cosmetics consumption in Middle East. The new term of Halal cosmetics has born in recent years, but in some Islamic countries, most of Muslim people are still unfamiliar with it and believe that the term Halal is just used for food products not for cosmetics and health care products. Therefore, the development of these products in Islamic markets cannot be attached to the reality unless measures are taken in order to raise the Muslims awareness about these products and its advantages. This important issue needs many steps and much effort. Determining Halal cosmetics knowledge level of cosmetics consumers and sellers of these products, and finding the responsible people or organizations for introducing and promoting these products to the Muslim people in Islamic countries from consumers and sellers viewpoints is the goal of this study.