International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Role of Cause-related Marketing on Brand image Perception in the Garment Industry

Open access
The Cause-related marketing is a new marketing strategy that is not limited to current and traditional methods and use from more complex fact or such as a sense of altruism and generosity. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between Cause- related marketing (CRM) and brand image perception among customers of well-Known brands in garment industry. Conceptual model has been tested through distributing 260 questioners among consumers in fivefold of Mashhad. Data analysis has been done in two levels: descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The result of data analysis confirmed all assumptions and show that Cause- related marketing (CRM) has a direct and positive effect on brand image. Firm motivations in Cause- related marketing, which is under the suspicious of consumers, is effective on the consumer's mental image of the brand. In addition, consumers make judgment about the product quality based on mental utility of the quality. Therefore, a charitable name of a brand that cooperate in CRM represents something extra to the consumer that increases the utility and higher perceived quality for consumers.