The Southern Shaanxi folk songs represent a crucial element of China's intangible cultural heritage, deeply rooted in regional traditions and collective memory. However, with the rapid advance of modernization and globalization, these folk songs encounter significant barriers to effective transmission and preservation. This research investigates how the Generation Z, as digital natives with unique cultural consumption behaviors, engages with Southern Shaanxi folk songs through three primary pathways: the education system, community cultural activities, and digital media platforms. This study adopts a qualitative case study approach, focusing on Hanzhong and Ankang, regions known for their rich tradition of Southern Shaanxi folk songs. Data were collected through participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and case analysis to explore how the Generation Z engages with folk songs and their perceptions of current transmission strategies. The study reveals significant limitations in the three primary pathways of folk song dissemination. The education system emphasizes theoretical knowledge but lacks experiential and interactive elements, limiting students' engagement and cultural identity. Community cultural activities are traditional in format and fail to attract active participation from younger generations, particularly due to the lack of inter-generational interaction. Digital media, while expanding visibility, focuses excessively on entertainment, thereby diluting the cultural depth of the Southern Shaanxi folk songs. To address these challenges, the study proposes targeted strategies: integrating immersive and participatory teaching methods into educational settings, designing interactive community events to enhance inter-generational engagement, and developing digital media content that combines cultural depth with contemporary formats preferred by the Generation Z.
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