Floods have been a continuous natural disaster in Malaysia since 1971 and the state of Kelantan in the Pasir Mas district experienced severe flooding due to the monsoon season. The role of flood disaster response has become increasingly complex and its capacity for individuals has also been proposed. Its needs will change with time and the issue of prolonged flood disaster response needs to be reviewed. This paper aims to identify the main challenges faced during flood disasters and to identify strategies for improvement such as improving self-response capabilities during flood disasters. By using a literature review methodology, general and specific keywords are also used, namely “flood disaster in Kelantan and “flood disaster in Malaysia” on Scopus to analyzes existing works and publications. Two challenges that emerged as themes from past studies: This paper highlights the important role of understanding the impact during flood disasters and to understand behaviour of flood victims. The findings propose a descriptive conceptual framework and strategies for the clothing product with life-saving features during flood that is the development of multifunctional clothing designs supported by artificial intelligence (AI) applications to assist in the prevention of injuries and deaths.
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