In Malaysia, wearing a life jacket is essential to prevent drowning during a flood disaster but there are others who enter the flood waters without it and many people continue to engage in these risky behaviors. This paper aims to identify the key challenges faced by life jackets during flood disasters and identify strategies for producing functional clothing that responds to risky behaviors during flood disasters. By using a literature review methodology, general and specific keywords are also used, namely “flood disaster in Kelantan”, “flood disaster in Malaysia” and “life jacket” on Scopus to analyzes existing works and publications. One key challenge emerged as a theme from past studies: This research highlights the important role of understanding the life saving product used during flood disaster to support risky behaviour flood victims. This paper propose a descriptive conceptual framework and strategies to help produce functional clothing in the face of the challenges identified that are (i) An understanding of risky behaviors (ii) To better understand the different types of design needs (iii) The design of an appropriate process strategy. This strategy has the potential to be a major prevention of injuries and deaths during flood disasters.
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