International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


From Old School to the Use of ICT in Supervision of Counsellor Trainees in Nigeria

Open access
Things are changing. Better ways of doing things are been thought out and employed. Counsellor education and supervision is not left out in this wind of change. This paper specifically acknowledges this in the area of supervision of students on counselling practicum exercise. In Nigeria, counselling is taught from first degree to Ph.D. level. During the course of training of the counsellors at the first degree level, trainees are exposed to a two six-weeks practicum exercise. At the end of each of the practicum exercise, the trainee counsellors are assessed. Most times, the assessment is done post mortem from the review of tapes and reports. This paper submits that such exercises can be improved by employing the use of some ICT techniques for enhanced and more accurate assessment of trainee counsellors practicum experiences, hence the call for a shift from the old school to the use of ICT in supervision of trainee counsellors in Nigeria.