International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effectiveness Index of Online Distance Learning Environments in Malaysia

Open access

Edwin Francis, Shairil Izwan Taasim, Razalina Abdul Rashid, Zuliana Muktar, Nurul Asyikin Hassan

Pages 887-895 Received: 24 Jan, 2025 Revised: 18 Feb, 2025 Published Online: 13 Mar, 2025
The adoption of online learning platforms in educational institutions across Malaysia has advanced significantly, with an increasing number of public and private providers integrating these platforms into their offerings. This study aims to develop an Effectiveness Index to assess the performance of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) students in the environments of public and private higher education institutions. The index captures key dimensions such as the quality of academics, system performance, and the services provided, with a particular emphasis on student retention within the online learning framework. This research, conducted between September and December 2024, engaged respondents who were students enrolled in Malaysia Online Learning programs across various in Malaysia. Through comprehensive data collection and analysis, the study aimed to assess the effectiveness of ODL in fostering a conducive and engaging learning environment. The results indicate that the index value exceeding 0.85 highlights the university’s success in maintaining a high standard of online education. This demonstrates that online learning platforms in Malaysia has established itself as a leading and reputable provider of online learning, ensuring that students benefit from quality education while achieving strong retention rates. By continuously enhancing its online learning framework and addressing key factors influencing student satisfaction and engagement, this online education system is well-equipped to adapt to the evolving demands of modern education.
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