This study employs Structural Topic Modeling (STM) to explore the thematic landscape of job embeddedness research, identifying six latent topics that encapsulate its multi-faceted nature. The analysis spans conceptual foundations, employee turnover, organizational strategies, workplace behavior, sector-specific challenges, and employee perspectives. Using robust diagnostic metrics, the model was selected to balance coherence and granularity, providing a structured overview of the field. The findings reveal a steady growth in research on conceptual foundations and a resurgence in interest in turnover and workplace behavior, highlighting their relevance in evolving workforce contexts. Conversely, declining trends in nursing-specific challenges and employee-centred perspectives point to underexplored areas requiring further scholarly attention. The study emphasizes the interconnectedness of JE themes, bridging theoretical constructs with practical applications, and offers insights into emerging areas such as hybrid work environments and sectoral variations. This comprehensive review contributes to the understanding of job embeddedness as a pivotal construct for employee retention and organizational success, proposing future research directions to address gaps and leverage its potential for enhancing workforce strategies.
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