International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Identifying Key Assessment Criteria for Evaluating Facade Conditions of Early Shophouses in Malaysia

Open access

Saafilah Abd. Rahman, Mohammad Ashraf Abdul Rahman, Mohd Syafiq Syazwan Mustafa, Faridahanim Ahmad, Nasruddin Abd. Rahman

Pages 1640-1452 Received: 10 Jan, 2025 Revised: 30 Jan, 2025 Published Online: 26 Feb, 2025
Early shop houses represent a key moment in the historical evolution of urban development in Malaysia. Their architectural significance lies in the uniqueness of their external facades, enriched by a diverse range of elements that reflect local culture, craftsmanship and historical influences. Preserving these early shop houses is essential due to their cultural and heritage value, particularly in architectural design and styles, which embody the historical narratives of Malaysia’s urban centres. However, assessing the condition of these facades remains challenging due to the lack of specific classification criteria. This study aims to develop a comprehensive and sustainable framework for assessing and classifying early shop house facades. A mixed-method approach was employed to analyze prior research data on facade elements related to the study area. To validate the essential elements, a survey questionnaire was distributed to 74 participants from diverse professional backgrounds, including industry practitioners, heritage conservationists and academics. Using a five-point Likert scale (1 = Not Important, 5 = Very Important), feedback was collected to evaluate the importance of the criteria. Through rigorous data collection and analysis, the most significant assessment criteria were determined using the Importance Index (I). The study identified 35 potential criteria, grouped into ten main categories. Nine criteria were classified within the range of moderate importance, while 25 criteria with an I value exceeding 61% were deemed highly significant. This research lays the foundation for a classification model for the facades of early Malaysian shop houses, ensuring their preservation, sustainable management and continued contribution to cultural heritage.
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