International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Developing Knowledge Management Culture in the Governmental Organization of Iran (Case Study: Oil Ministry of Iran)

Open access
Looking for a suitable framework for developing knowledge management based on theoretical literature, can be a noticeable work for developing knowledge management in the governmental organizations. Therefore, the Gamy and Pandia’ Models, that is expressed in 3 dimensions of the knowledge process, the people and organizational culture and technological dimensions is studied. So this research - by Library and square methods - tries to study the development of knowledge management in the (state) organizations (base study the petrol industry). However, by this general aim and the sub targets it started the work, studying the knowledge puberty in the state organizations, and expressing the role and concepts of the knowledge management for improving efficiency and presenting knowledge management policy process in the state organizations. By this way, the researcher by expressing some hypothesis and testing them, by distribute questionnaires and analysis them resulted that, complete doing. Rang Pandia’ model will cause to developing the knowledge management in the state organizations, and effective exploiting of information technology.