The service sector has played a pivotal role in the economic growth of many countries and is notably the second-largest contributor to Malaysia's GDP. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services have developed rapidly within this sector, positioning Malaysia as a preferred destination for BPO operations among multinational companies. Despite this growth, employee turnover remains a significant challenge, impacting organizational productivity, and causing increased costs for the organization. Therefore, employee retention is important, necessitating focused efforts in human resource development areas such as career advancement, training, and organizational development. This study aims to explore the underlying causes contributing to employee turnover in Malaysia's BPO industry. Utilizing a qualitative case study research design, interviews were conducted with several customer service agents to gain insights into this issue. The informants revealed that inadequate HRD practices such as absence of career development, disruptions to organizational development, and lack of training development are the main causes of employee turnover in the company. Thus, our study is distinguished by its novelty, our study contributes to the improvement and development of HRD practices in BPO sectors in Malaysia.
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