To tawjih the diverse aqwal mufassirin in the meaning of a verse and the methods of harmonizing it is an issue discussed in the discipline of us?l tafsir. This study focuses on masalik tawjih aqwal al-mufassirin (methods to tawjih the views of mufassirin) and compiling them. This study is important to provide an enlightenment on how researchers in the field of exegesis should cover the diversity of views of mufassirin so as not to ignore the views that are seen as contradictory, whereas there is a method to interpret it according to the discipline of us?l tafsir. The focus of the qualitative literature research in processing and analyzing this data is also seeks to present the methods of al-jam' and tawfiq that can be applied in the researcher's efforts to understand the true meaning of exegeses in line with the requirements of a verse.
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In-Text Citation: (Shah & Saad, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Shah, M. A. N., & Saad, M. F. M. (2021). Tawjih Aqwal Mufassirin the Methods to Tawfiq Them. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 636-644.
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