The purpose of this research is to discover Al-Arqam accomplishments as a pioneer of nasyid in Malaysia starting from 1975 until 1997. Increasing awareness in practicing Islam as the way of life gave Al-Arqam the opportunity to establish the first nasyid group named Nada Murni. The appearance of this nasyid group has become one of the initiatives for the people to enjoy entertainment in accordance to Islamic values and principles. This research implemented qualitative approach by analysing primary and secondary source gained from Malaysian National Archives and the library. The findings suggested that Al-Arqam was the first local group to introduce nasyid as an entertainment in Malaysia and their approach developed interest and awareness about Islam into the Malay society. Consequently, Al-Arqam started to commercialise their group as one of their socioeconomic activity by establishing music production company under the surveillance of Al-Arqam department of culture. Besides, the government also played their role to support nasyid as an entertainment by using the mass media platforms such as Rancangan Televisyen Malaysia (RTM), radio dan organising nasyid competition. Unfortunately, nasyid entertainment in Malaysia reached its dispirited momentum when Al-Arqam was banned by the authorities, somehow gained their momentum back by establishing contemporary nasyid group and culture. Therefore, this research is conducted to ascertain the ingenuity of Al- Arqam in pioneering nasyid culture by establishing their very own nasyid group into the world of entertainment in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Arifai & Saat, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Arifai, R., & Saat, I. (2021). AL-ARQAM: PIONEER OF NASYID ART IN MALAYSIA, 1975-1997. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 609-617.
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