The history of halalan thayyiban food in Indonesian society is an undone research study. This research is to study the transformation of scholars’ (ulama) roles based on the history of halalan thayyiban food law in Indonesia's society. The method used was qualitative data analysis using archival research for the history of halalan thayyiban food and in-depth interviews conducted with figures of several religious-based organisations in Banten-Indonesia to strengthen the results. The respondents were leaders from Muslim and Non-Muslim organisations in Banten Province. In addition, the recorded conversation transcribed was used to support the findings. The results found that the ulama roles in the halal standard are different in three levels of eras. In the pre-colonial period, scholars acted as exemplars of Islam by applying Islamic values in people's daily lives, including the concept of halalan-thayyiban food, based on the Islamic boarding school educational system. Scholars became missionaries in the colonial era, who are believed to be enforcers of Islamic law. The colonisers did not interfere in the rules of religion, especially on halalan thayyiban food law. During this period, Islamic law became a custom that developed in the community. Next, the post-colonial era, when the role of scholars on halalan thayyiban food standard is done by issuing halal certificates based on halal fatwas. The government intervened to legalize it under public law. The results contributed theory to fill the gap of knowledge about the transformation of ulama roles on halalan-thayyiban food law in Indonesia.
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In-Text Citation: (Ikomatussuniah et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ikomatussuniah, Bustami, M. R., Maler, W., & Mudzakkir, M. (2021). Transformation of Ulama’s Role in Nusantara: A Case Study of Halalan Thayyiban Food Law in Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 394-408.
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