The objective of this paper is to identify the elements of a viable business model that is suitable to be used by SME contractors in adopting Industrialised Building System (IBS). In order to achieve the objective this paper identifies and reviews the elements of business model that are important in business. A thorough review of the relevant literature on business model within the scope of IBS and supported by other industries had been conducted. From the findings, nineteen business model elements have been identified. There are 1. Target Customers, 2. Market Segments, 3. Marketing Strategy, 4. Distribution Channel, 5. Role in Supply Chain, 6. Supplier Relationship, 7. Product, 8. Design, 9. Manufacturing, 10. Installation, 11. Standardisation, 12. Customisation, 13. Production Method, 14. Key Resources, 15. Core Competencies, 16. Supply Chain Management, 17. Continuous Improvement, 18. Sales Management, and 19. Partnering. The finding is useful to SME contractors in guiding the SME contractors to move from conventional construction method to IBS practice and to increase their performance in IBS business. Future studies should make a quantitative ranking of the business model elements and analyses their relationship with IBS business performance.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamed et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mohamed, M. R., Mohammad, M. F., & Mahbub, R. (2021). Business Model Elements for Industrialised Building System. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(4), 377-393.
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