International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Cultural Differences Factors Affecting Perceived Impact of ICT on Rural Business Potential: The Mediating Role of Productive Internet Usage

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This study aims to determine the mediating role of productive internet usage in the relationship between cultural differences and the perceived impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on rural business potential. Cultural differences factors comprise of uncertainty avoidance, collectivism, power distance, and construct masculinity. Productive internet usage act as the mediating variable, whereas the perceived rural business potential impact of the ICT serves as the dependent variable in this study. The findings indicate that the perceived rural business potential impact of ICT was influenced by two cultural differences dimension: uncertainty avoidance and collectivism. This finding implicates the mediating effect of productive internet usage. On the other hand, power distance and construct masculinity do not influence the outcome of this study. The findings also explain the need for the authority to consider the prospective users’ cultural attributes during the design and implementation phases to enhance the efficacy of ICT implementation. Besides that, through the mediation model analysis, this study signifies how mediation model analysis helps to assess in intervention’s effectiveness on the expected outcome. This study helps determine the effectiveness of internet usage for rural business potential. It gives insight into how productive internet usage plays its role in mediating the impact of cultural differences factors on the perceived impact of ICT on rural business potential.
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In-Text Citation: (Latif & Adruce, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Latif, N. A. B., & Adruce, S. A. Z. (2021). Cultural Differences Factors Affecting Perceived Impact of ICT on Rural Business Potential: The Mediating Role of Productive Internet Usage. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 277-291.