International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Success Factors of Rural Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: The Proposed Model

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Entrepreneurial activities, especially among rural entrepreneurs has become one of the contributing factors to economic development. Various studies and literature had discussed the factors influencing toward entrepreneurship success which will affect the growth and sustainability of business performance. As the Malaysian economy is affected by covid-19, people can no longer rely on job opportunities. Engaging in entrepreneurial activities is the best way to help improve the economy whether for individuals, families, local communities, or even the country. From that, this study aims to propose a model based on the combination of entrepreneur’s characteristics, managerial skills, and external environment factors toward entrepreneurship success in social entrepreneurship among rural entrepreneurs. The outcome of this research will contribute to the development of rural entrepreneurs as well as help them to improve their business performance. Hence, the government transformation program related to entrepreneurship also can be achieved successfully through fulfilling the national key results areas that relate to entrepreneurship nation.
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In-Text Citation: (Ridzwan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ridzwan, R., Ramzi, M. I., & Zubir, A. M. (2021). Success Factors of Rural Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: The Proposed Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 269–276.