Career Self-Efficacy (CSE) is a person’s ability that shows an effort to achieve what he wants for his career goals in decision making. A person's career choice is formed during the exploration stage that explores his desires in that phase. Student’s interest to self-employment creates the ability of being creative and innovative. It also makes them become observant of opportunities and is always open to any input and changes that occur during college and after college. The population of the study consisted of state university students in Riau Province. The sample consisted of 778 students that used random sampling technique. The instrument used is the career decision self-efficacy scale, which has a Cronbach Alpha value of .90 and a self-employment intention instrument that has a Cronbach alpha value of .83. The analysis of this research uses Simple Linear Regression Analysis which is analyzed using the SPSS Version 24 application. The results of this study indicate that student career self-efficacy is at a high stage and the selection of self-employment careers is at a high stage as well. In addition, the researcher found that there is an effect of career self-efficacy on self-employment career choices among students at the State University of Riau Province, Indonesia. It was found that the R test result was [r= .414, p<.05] which means that is about 41.40% which was found to be influenced by the two variables. Therefore, the implication of this study shows that the higher the student's career self-efficacy, the higher the career to choose a self-employment career.
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In-Text Citation: (Subhan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Subhan, M., Amat, S., Bakar, A. Y. A., Mahmud, M. I., Zein, M., & Heldanit. (2021). Career Self-efficacy (CSE) Influence towards Selection of Self-employment Career among Riau University Students’. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 258–268.
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