Lower primary students in an international school have always been associated with writing difficulties. This pilot test is intended to assist in following the thread and specifically to assess the effectiveness of the instruments chosen and designed for the actual research, "Writing Skill Challenges Faced by Students in a Lower Primary, International School." Its aim is to assess the instrument's validity and reliability. Through the process of data analysis, two data collection tools, a questionnaire and face-to-face interview questions were statistically and thematically analysed. This pilot study included 15 lower primary students with similar characteristics to the actual samples. The data was then collected and analysed by using the Statistical Package Social Science (SPSS). After the data from the pilot study was entered into SPSS, the data's reliability was calculated and recorded using Cronbach's alpha formula. The findings revealed that all the items were positive, and the content was validated. It showed a very high degree of internal consistency between the given items based on reliability. As a result, no further changes were needed, and these instruments can be used in the actual study without hesitation.
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In-Text Citation: (Moses & Yamat, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Moses, R. N., & Yamat, H. (2021). Testing the Validity and Reliability of a Writing Skill Assessment. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 191-196.
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