Jointly acquired property or the money shared between spouses is one of the most important issues concerned with the family system within the human community. This is considering that the family is a partnership between the spouses, each of whom has burdens that he must bear; so that the family continues to give and be a good building block within the human community. Herein lies the importance of studying and researching the jointly acquired property between spouses, strategies for dealing with it when disagreeing between spouses, and the legal controls that regulate those strategies. This is based on the Islamic legal preservation of money in general, and joint money in particular, and the wife's money in particular. With the spread of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19), the need to study legitimate strategies to deal with the disagreement between spouses about jointly acquired property, and this is what we are trying to address from this research paper.
Research Problem: The money shared between spouses is one of the most important thorny issues within the sinful society, as many problems appear between time and time between spouses due to lack of understanding of the reality of mutual funds and their controls and how to deal with them. Also, the problem arouses in terms of the eligibility of each of the spouses in this jointly acquired property and its ruling in disputes.
Research Objectives: The study aims to achieve some objectives; namely, to understand the concept of the jointly acquired property between the spouses, to develop scientific and proper strategies to control the disagreement between spouses in mutual funds and finally to determine the Shariah ruling for jointly acquired property.
Research Questions: What is meant by jointly acquired property; What are the strategies for dealing with jointly acquired property? What is the legal ruling for differences and disputes over jointly acquired?
The Importance of the Research: The importance of research appears to emerge with the outbreak of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19) and the emergence of a difference between spouses regarding the eligibility of one of them to the jointly acquired property between them. In addition, this is supported with the emergence of the need for treatment and various expenses, and the consequences of the economic impact of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19).
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In-Text Citation: (Haris et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Haris, A. R. M. A., Zaghloul, S. G. G., Bakar, M. A., Halim, M. M. A., & Abous, M. (2021). Strategies in Dealing With Jointly Acquired Property When Spouses Disagree: An Overview of Islamic Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 143-149.
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