Previous studies show that one of the challenges in a flipped classroom is to ensure students study or revise the given content before the actual class. Gamified learning is one of the most effective approaches to motivate and engage students in learning. Thus, a game-based learning tool, Kahoot quiz is employed in this study. The objective of this study is to investigate students’ perception of the use of Kahoot vocabulary quiz in a flipped Mandarin classroom. In this quantitative study, data was collected through a survey. Survey forms were given to 197 undergraduate students in a public university in Malaysia. The result indicates that the Kahoot vocabulary quiz motivates students to learn before the actual class in a flipped Mandarin classroom. Kahoot vocabulary quiz was found to improve language learning because it helps students to master the vocabulary, improve weaknesses in vocabulary learning, understand the lesson better and increases students’ interest and confidence in learning. Besides, the findings also reveal that the Kahoot game is a great platform for creating a conducive learning environment. Its interactive and competitive feature provides a fun and entertaining platform that helps capture and sustain students’ attention in class and allows students to share knowledge among friends.
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In-Text Citation: (Teh et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Teh, H. S., Choong, P. Y., Abdullah, N. A. T., & Dass, L. C. (2021). Engaging Students in a Flipped Language Classroom via Kahoot. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 114-126.
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