This paper aims to explore the level of perceptions and awareness among managers in Malaysia with regards to corporate social responsibility (CSR) concepts and management in their hotels. The concept of CSR has grown rapidly in the last few decades and constantly becoming a rising trend within the hospitality sector. In Malaysia, the hospitality sector is not new and its potential in delivering benefits to local communities is still a much-debated subject. In-depth interviews were performed with the managers of ten hotels in Malaysia to obtain an insight into their current perceptions and the reasons behind such perceptions. The study found that there is a chasm between perceptions and realities. Despite all the efforts and the heightened awareness of the hotels about social responsibility, the implementation of CSR initiatives was still minimal due to a lack of knowledge and awareness among the hotel managers. The study underlined the urgent need to provide further illumination on CSR in Malaysia together with the involvement of many other relevant parties that include the role of government, universities, and other institutions such as National Mirror Committee (NMC) and media. Findings from the study shed light on how managers can play their role in CSR, thus providing robust indicators and standards to obtain the actual meaning of CSR.
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In-Text Citation: (Mansor et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mansor, F., Cob, C. M. S. C., & Aziz, S. A. (2021). Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives by Malaysian Hotels: Perspectives from Managers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 58-70.
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