The purpose of this action research is to identify the workability of adopting e-commerce into S2B Company in the lumber industry to improve sales opportunities. The objective of this research is to increase sales opportunities through Alibaba e-commerce platform. The methodology adopted in this study is a combination of mixed-method by using qualitative and quantitative method. The population of this study consist of employee of S2B Company, customers and the sampling technique is a subjective sampling of 33 participants. Due to the small population, qualitative method will involve only three participants. The expected result will be an in sales opportunities. Hence laying the foundation for further improvement and a guideline for other small business in the same industry.
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In-Text Citation: (Keng & Adam, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Keng, S. B., & Adam, S. (2021). Adopting E-Commerce into S2b Company to Improve Sales Opportunities in Lumber Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 51-57.
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