International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Modelling Lockean Legalism in the Executive Emergency Power on Environment and Climate Change Domain in Malaysia

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Human rights activists demanded a stringent action from the Executive due to an annual occurrence of river pollution and a recurring haze disaster in 2019. The proposed move includes removal of the respective Environment Minister and an emergency declaration by the King (YDPA) to address the above situations. It is under this premise that the Lockean legalism model is explored in relation to the emergency power conferred to the Executive i.e., the Monarch. Modelling John Locke’s legalism, namely conditions of political legitimacy meaningfully describe legitimate sovereign approach to laws that are conducive to public good. The primary aim of the research is to legally explore the adoption of Lockean legalism in examining the extent of the powers conferred to the YDPA and the enumerated function of the Conference of Rulers in the proclamation of emergency in the environment and climate change domain in Malaysia. The research employs a qualitative methodology and incorporates a content analysis approach. The outcome of this study is a proposed measure using the Lockean mechanism in understanding the power to proclaim emergency in the environmental crisis. This research is significant as it would contribute to the body of knowledge to enhance the prerogative power of the YDPA in relation to the state of emergency.
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In-Text Citation: (Mangsor et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mangsor, M. M., Aziz, N. A., Rahmat, N. E., & Zainudin, A. H. (2021). Modelling Lockean Legalism in the Executive Emergency Power on Environment and Climate Change Domain in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 735–744.