International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Finding the Contextual Gap Towards Employee Engagement in Financial Sector: A Review Study

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This review paper identifies the core evidence of research on employee engagement, considering a stern challenge facing the financial sector nowadays. The study highlights the noteworthy knowledge gaps that will support human resource management practitioners to embed in the research towards sectoral context. Pertinent articles were selected through key search points. The Boolean logic (e.g., AND or OR) was applied to identify the relationship between search points and excerpt-related literature. The key search points covered the topic related to different terms of engagement for example “employee engagement” OR “work engagement” OR “job engagement” OR “organization engagement” OR “staff engagement” OR “personnel engagement” which were steered in diverse context particularly financial sector. Through critically reviewing the literature for the last 11 years i.e., 2009-2019, we discovered 91 empirical studies in financial sector. From these studies, we found the overall concept of engagement and its different determinants (e.g., organizational factors, individual factors, job factors) as well as its various outcomes (e.g., employee outcomes, organizational outcomes). We also formulated a conceptual model to expand the body of knowledge in the area of employee engagement for a better understanding of its predictors and outcomes. Besides, limitations of the study and future recommendations are also contemplated.
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In-Text Citation: (Akter et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Akter, H., Sentosa, I., Hizam, S. M., Ahmed, W., & Akter, A. (2021). Finding the Contextual Gap Towards Employee Engagement in Financial Sector: A Review Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 700–720.