Ibnu Khaldun (1332-1406 AD) had proposed the concept of malakah based on the view that knowledge can be completely internalised and be applied in daily life. Knowledge that has been truly internalised will determine the attitude, habit and behaviour of an individual either in a positive or negative manner. The learning process that an individual undergoes formally or informally will result in malakah that has been internalised by the said individual. In the context of Islamic education in Malaysia particularly, the pondok learning institution is one of the institutions that has produced many renowned religious scholars since it first established. Obviously, the contribution of this institution has an immense impact and cannot be denied. As one of the earliest centres of formal Islamic education in Malaysia, the religious scholars have focused solely on the halaqah method in their efforts to produce countless learned individuals who are not only knowledgeable and excelled in religious matters but also in the aspect of academic matters too. Therefore, this study is focussing on the malakah implication based on halaqah at pondok learning institutions. To achieve this objective, this study is a qualitative research based on library research and in-depth interviews. The contents of the acquired data will be analysed descriptively. The findings of this study found that most of the religious instructors or students have applied the knowledge acquired and have also conveyed it to the community at large. The charismatic manner and the manner in which the acquired knowledge has been put to practice have reflected that knowledge has truly been internalised and has a deep impact on the character and personality of the individuals. Therefore, this is in line with the Islamic teachings.
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In-Text Citation: (Abidin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Abidin, M. Z. H. Z., Ibrahim, N., Noh, A. M. M., Yaacob, H. R. M., Hassan, A. R. A., & Amin, J. M. (2021). The Impact of Malakah Based on Halaqah at Pondok Learning Institutions. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 621–634.
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