Technostress at a workplace is a negative consequence of not being able to adapt adequately to technology rapid advancement. It may cause psychological disturbance to the employees and lead to many disturbing effects such as job dissatisfaction, job isolation and emotional exhaustion. While past studies have examined the causal direction of technostress to employees’ behavior, this study explores the relationship between technostress and emotional exhaustion and coping strategy, measured as proactive and reactive coping among office personnel. A survey was conducted among 140 employees from various organizations, who were selected based on convenience sampling. The data was analysed using SmartPLS for both measurement and structural model. The results suggest there are significant relationships between technostress and emotional exhaustion, between technostress and reactive coping, and between emotional exhaustion and both proactive and reactive coping strategy. The relationship between technostress and proactive coping was found to be not significant. The findings suggest even though technostress leads to emotional exhaustion, how employees cope the mental challenge require further investigations. The study is significance as a pathway to look for adequate strategies and creating awareness on the potential emotional burdens caused by technostress.
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In-Text Citation: (Kassim et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Kassim, E. S., Ahmad, S. F. S., Bahari, A. H., Fadzli, F. N. M., & Adzmi, N. S. H. M. (2021). The Effect of Technostress on Emotional Exhaustion and Coping Strategies. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 520–533.
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