The sustainability of waqf assets is established based on the progressive and innovative waqf asset development strategy. This research aims to analyze the investment strategy for waqf assets at selected State Islamic Religious Council (SIRCs) in Malaysia. This research utilizes qualitative design in which the data are collected via content analysis and semi-structured interviews to acquire opinions and ideas for viable investment options. It is found that the development of waqf assets is restrained by the fund liquidity due to a lack of innovation and creativity in the investment portfolio of waqf assets. The synergy between comprehensive guidelines with Shariah and economic elements would facilitate the effectiveness of the investment strategy by the SIRC. Therefore, this research would like to propose some strategic guidelines whilst bringing forward viable investment designs to suit the current context.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahaman et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahaman, W. M. A. F. W. A., Yaacob, S. E., & Haron, M. S. (2021). An Investment Portfolio Strategy for Waqf Assets in Malaysia: A Study At Selected State Islamic Religious Councils. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 462–475.
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