Countries has developed strategies to attract tourists in order for them to experience, visit, engage and participate in a touristic product or service. The brand has become a trend in marketing and considered a medium for increasing product and services demand. Festival can have managed as a brand, where it is seen as a tourism product. The existence of festivals helps develop the tourism industry to enhance the economic sector and provide the best travel experience to visitors. In early 2020, the event industry has been affected by the pandemic covid-19 because the government banned gathering and cancelled events worldwide (Nilsson, 2020). As a result of this pandemic, the event industry needs to re-evaluate how they conduct events. Some firm takes other initiatives by running event virtually. This paper focuses on developing a conceptual framework for the audience delight in a virtual arts festival. The arts festival brand focuses on data collection medium in analysing the audience’s delight through the experience and personality felt.
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In-Text Citation: (Hussain & Rozi, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hussain, S. A. S., & Rozi, Q. M. (2021). New Theory for A Conceptual Framework towards Audience Delight. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 450–461.
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