International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Development of an SRSD-Based ESL Writing Instruction Module for Malaysian Secondary School Students

Open access
Writing has been known to be a demanding and difficult skill to teach and master in the ESL secondary school context. Writing intervention modules can be effective add-ons to existing writing lessons to help students who are struggling with writing to cope with the demands of this difficult skill. Despite many writing interventions developed, little has been explored on including self-regulation strategies explicitly into these interventions. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the development of a self-regulation strategies-based writing instruction module for secondary school students. The writing module adopted the Self-regulation Strategies Development model (SRSD) as its theoretical foundation and utilised a qualitative design through content analysis as data collection method. The six units writing instruction module was developed using the Kemp model as a design framework, including a need analysis, whereas the content validation was done through experts’ panel evaluation. The results from the content validation suggest that the module can be used in the classroom to guide teachers to help them develop their students’ self-regulation skills to help them cope with ESL writing. Future research suggestion includes testing the module’s usability in real classrooms.
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In-Text Citation: (Juin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Juin, J. K., Swanto, S., & Din, W. A. (2021). The Development of an SRSD-Based ESL Writing Instruction Module for Malaysian Secondary School Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 438–449.