Perceived risk is a threat to the successful marketing in the tourism industry, and uncertain perceptions of risk can negatively impact on tourist behaviour at a tourism destination. The objective of this study is of two-folds: first, to investigate the impact of Israel’s risk on tourist loyalty in Jerusalem, and to examine the mediating effect of political stability on the relationship between Israel’s risk and tourist loyalty. A questionnaire design was adapted from previous studies and 384 survey forms were distributed to tourists who visited religious sites in Jerusalem. In this study, cluster sampling was utilized. The statistical data was described and analyzed, and the logical hypotheses were analyzed using the “IBM SPSS AMOS Package 22.0”. The results of the study showed that political stability partially mediates the effects on the relationship between Israel’s risk and tourist loyalty. A direct path is still significant in this study. Thus, the research suggests that perceived risk must be eliminated or significantly reduced to encourage tourists to revisit Jerusalem, in line with the consistent growth of the tourism industry around the world.
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In-Text Citation: (Shehab & Som, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Shehab, E., & Som, A. P. M. (2021). The Effect of Risk Dimension on Tourist Loyalty: A Mediating Role of Political Stability. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 368–377.
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